About Michał

About Michał

Michał is a native of Katowice, the capital of Upper Silesia, and now resides in Kraków. As a photographer, he specialises in documenting the present, and by capturing life's most exquisite moments, he hopes to reveal the profound significance of everyday life. In such a fast-paced world, we sometimes don't see what's right in front of us, which is why Michal invites you to take a moment to connect with the visual poetry of modern life laid bare. He hopes to grasp these fleeting and transient connections—what on the surface appears ordinary but in fact resonates with beauty. His portfolio encompasses documentaries, sports events, music and cultural festivals, and the natural beauty that surrounds us.

How I Work

My work as a photographer is not just about pressing the shutter button. It's a journey of observation, imagination, and patience, to capture a unique moment.

I wait

Sometimes I have to wait a long time to capture the perfect moment. I search for the ideal light, observe the movement of objects, and wait for that certain gesture or expression that will lend the photo authenticity.

I strive for perfection

I don't settle for the first shot. I take many shots, experiment with different compositions and settings, until I get a result that satisfies me.

I edit with a sense of touch

When I edit, not only do I strive for reality, but I search for the expressive and evocative. Sometimes, a touch of magic is necessary to accentuate a particular moment and emotion.